picture of Vivian dance



I am Vivian

Peiwen Pan In 2017, Peiwen embarked on an extraordinary journey. With no prior background in dance, she discovered that pole dance held a unique power over her. It was more than just a hobby; it was her calling. What drew Peiwen into the captivating world of pole dance was its undeniable allure and the challenges it posed.

This enchanting art form offered her both a sense of completion and the thrill of facing the unknown. It was here that she found her purpose - to build the strength, grace, and skills necessary to conquer gravity and master the art of pole dance. Peiwen loves doing tricks on spin pole, inversion and dancing in heels.

I am vivian


dance Course 1

Any age

From 18 and above, enjoy yourself!

Any shape

Flexabilty and Technique to lift yourself up.

dance Course 1
dance Course

Any gender

Enjoy your body movement


Beginner Class

Sunday 12:00 - 14:00

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Intermediate Class

Friday 12:00 - 14:00

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The Dance studio Name Inc.
8901 Marmora Road, WA, US.
+1 800 123 4567
+1 800 321 7654

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